Alright, so the latest and greatest is that while I've obviously taken my sweet time getting my official website updated (www.funnyhoneybee.net, see above), a lot has happened in the last couple of months. For one thing, I've been working on new material A LOT, much of which may be seen at said website. Also, I now have a freelance gig at a nifty animation studio in Atlanta, Georgia: Radical Axis. For news on the Comedy Central TV show that we're working on, check out this article on AWN: http://news.awn.com/index.php?ltype=search&range=all&search=Radical+Axis&newsitem_no=17451

So what's next? Well, if the current trend holds, there are going to be some late nights at Radical, but I'll still be workin' on my own artwork in the meantime, especially some upcoming concept work and some more animation (yay!). Occasionally, I'll be attending some local model sessions for figure drawing practice, examples of which I'm posting here. The models don't really do too many asymmetrical poses, so the drawings are a bit short on dynamism..... and I'm also just a little rusty, but I note that just one workshop with drawing master Glenn Vilppu has dramatically improved my understanding of volumes. I highly recommend his books.
And here are some early scribbles for that concept work I mentioned, loosely associated with the Blizzard Entertainment art contest that's going on. Hope ya'll like it and comments are appreciated!

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